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Chinese translation for "loaves and fishes"


Related Translations:
loaves:  n.loaf 的复数。
baked loaf:  烤肉糕
baking loaf:  烤面包
loaf making:  面包制作切割面团;作面团块切面团
stodgy loaf:  紧实的面包瓤不松软的面包
loafing area:  散放奶牛休息区牲畜运动场
rumpy loaf:  酥蛋面包
onion loaf:  洋葱包
meat loaf:  肉糕瑞士肉包酥皮肉饼
loafing shed:  散放棚
Example Sentences:
1.Anyway he comes up with these loaves and fishes
2.Like jesus , we had performed the miracle of the loaves and fishes
3.Build loaves and fishes and spirit to encourage the allocation of photograph union
4.Loaves and fishes
5.Example : they seek office , not to be useful to the state , but for the loaves and fishes
6.In our society now , the people become very greedy and seamy ; the women give their clay only for loaves and fishes instead of real love
7.In both countries it was clearer than crystal to the lords of the state preserves of loaves and fishes , that things in general were settled for ever
8.Mr mulligan , now perceiving the table , asked for whom were those loaves and fishes and , seeing the stranger , he made him a civil bow and said , pray , sir , was you in need of any professional assistance we could give
此刻,穆利根先生扫视桌面,问饼与鱼160系供何人食用?及至瞥见异邦人,乃彬彬有礼地深打一躬,问曰: “敢问足下需要吾曹在专业方面提供协助欤? ”
9.Today people live in culture communication . from the communication , they get not only loaves and fishes but also spirit advantage . in human being ' s history , culture communication is one of the most important powers to impel society development
10.The equalitarianism and the egalitarian practice of everyone taking food from the same big pot in income distribution disconnect the labor with the loaves and fishes , thus severely impaired the initiative of the laborer in production and work
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